
Showing posts from March, 2024


  DIGITAL ALBUM   A digital album can be described as a details of a topic that are stored in a  digital format, typically on  a computer or smartphone. Unlike physical albums, digital albums do not require tangible media and can be downloaded from various online platforms. Digital album offers convenience and flexibility.  As we know as per the B.Ed curriculum, a digital album has to be created.  I created a digital album about  SUCCESSFUL WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN KERALA CLICK BELOW


  DIGITAL TEXT  The main aim of this article is to highlight the importance of technology and its different variant forms. So, the main concern is digital text. In this present period, technology is playing a very important role in the development of educational fields related to the process of learning and teaching. Digital text is also a modern form of technology which allows us to learn and teach different aspects of education in a convenient way. This type of text is generally a computer based knowledge that is generated on mobile, computers, and laptops.  Digital text in its relation to language learning and teaching plays a vital role for teachers as well as students. Students can pay more attention towards technology in this technological period. Therefore, they can enjoy and learn their educational activities through digital based text. To put this whole discussion in a nutshell, we can say that digital text has long lasting effects on not only learner's mind but ...


  Innovative worK Innovation can be defined simply as a 'new idea device or method'. Innovative work helps a teacher to teach a lesson easily.  The role of innovative work is very important in commerce teaching.  In order to teach a lesson innovatively,  the teacher must use lot of pictures games models and songs.  In teaching learning process the role of innovative work is very important it makes the class interesting.   Innovative work is one of the effective method for teaching difficult lesson easily.  So in commerce education the role of innovative work is very helpful useful and effective. As a part of B. Ed. curriculum we have to do an innovative work. The present innovative work is a still model of  BRANDING